Grannies are powerful people in the lives of their grandchildren. Whether they are cross or cuddly, their words and deeds loom large in our childhood. Each one of them has a particular talent that we remember. My small granny's special gift to me was that she made me feel special and important. When she was with me, she gave me her full attention. She created a safe haven for me in the troubled world. No matter what happened I felt loved and accepted by her. When there was pain in my life, she offered me no answers and I expected none.
But she loved me.
And I knew it.
Every single day, I knew my small granny loved me.
And my small, shy, humble, sweet, gentle granny, did the same with each one of her grandchildren. It is only now, as an adult, that I see this clearly. Each one of us felt like 'the only one.' The power of her love was so strong that this is how we felt. Today I marvel at her love. It was so big and deep and wide that it encompassed us all. But each one of us felt a special bond with her, at the same time. We never had to compete with each other for her love. Each one of us had a special place in her heart that belonged to only us.
My small granny you are always in my heart.
Catherine Hurley 1905-1984
This blog began in 2012 with my grandmother and it is fitting that it should end with her too. Granny always said that the world I was growing up in was different to hers and that I would have to find my own way in this new world of mine.
Her words have been ringing in my ears of late and so I am starting a new blog called simply martinewrites
There will be thoughts about finding my way in this crazy world with influences from genealogy research, social justice, my complicated family and the unknown things I will find along the way. I do hope you will join me on this new stage of my journey. Thank you for your company so far. It has been a pleasure to get to know you and even unexpectedly find friends among you.
With warm wishes,